20 December 2006

Merry Christmas & Some Good News

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and to share with you our news - I am having a baby! I am due August 14th so you can probably tell that I am not very far along - but we are too excited to keep it a secret and once we told our 2 daughters we knew we had to let everyone else know too.

Because of this, I will only be taking clients on a limited basis in the New Year. I will not be booking any weddings or portraits for July or August and will be limiting wedding bookings to only one a month.

I am currently updating and simplifying my price list as well as finishing up my main site - drop me an email at heather@senterstudios.com if you would like me to send my price list to you directly.

I am on holiday as of Friday December 22 to January 8 so I won't be answering the business phone - but I will be monitoring my email and will answer all email enquiries.

Finally, here is our Christmas card this year - I never did get around to having them printed so thank heavens for email!